Discovering Vintage License Plates for Sale: How to Start or Expand Your Collection
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Alabama License Plate History
What Are Vintage Plates?
Why Shop License Plates?
USPS Update 10/01/2021
What Is The Rarest License Plate?
Top 10 Reasons Why People Collect License Plates
- YOM or Year of Manufacture, to run on old vehicles. People buy old license plates to register and run on their vintage, classic and antique vehicles. This includes automobiles, trucks, motorcycles and even commercial vehicles. Some of these are “daily drivers”, while others are destined for vehicle shows and competitions. The way each State governs and manages this process varies, and most have Year of Manufacture or YOM Laws. Most of the 50 States allow some variety or flavor of this type of use. Some States base their decision to allow the use of vintage and antique old license plates in this manner based on the number of years old as a minimum. Others are defined under Antique Vehicle, Historic Vehicle or Horseless Carriage Laws that the State has on the books that specify a manufacture date for the vehicle. The State of Illinois actually allows a license plate from ANYWHERE to be displayed as long as it is from the YEAR OF THE VEHICLE without requiring the license plate be from Illinois! This was due to an oversight by the State Legislature and adds an interesting twist there. Oops! Other States are very strict and require inspection of the actual plates and availability of that digit combination – in other words – that digit combination cannot be on a license plate of any kind that is on the road in that State at the time you want to register your vehicle and vintage license plates. Some folks have waited for many years for that specific combination to “become available” after the one in use expires, so that they can rush over to the DMV and get their old license plate registered to their vehicle!
- To decorate. Old license plates are also bought by countless people in order to decorate garages, sheds, barns and mancaves of all kinds. These cool displays become a focal point of interest and invoke a lot of conversation, where everyone can relax and have a cold one! Displays of old license plates are a time honored tradition and are typically shared with friends and family when folks gather for activities like sports games, shooting pool, or working on cars. The types of plates selected for displays like this vary - because some may prefer to show new graphic designs, while others may want to have genuine and authentic old license plates. Others want specific vibrant colors on the old license plates in order to form complex patterns on a wall. This is truly only limited by ones’ imagination!
- To promote a business. License plates are often bought in order to promote a business. There are countless restaurants, bars and barbeque joints across the US, Canada, Mexico and the World where real, expired and collectible old license plates are focal points and elicit visions of travel, good food and awesome experiences. Some farms collect old farm license plates in order to display the history of their farm and to promote organic farming, which is referred to as agritourism. Movie production companies and even Actor Josh Hutcherson from Hunger Games fame buys these to have authentic license plates for shooting their films in order to add an element of realism to the place, time or vehicles used for the scenes. Some Companies including Ralph Lauren promote a product line with “American Values” or “Canadian Values” and have displays of their products surrounded by authentic old license plates. Auto dealers have purchased license plates in order to make a map out of old, used and expired license plates from the States that they operate in and hang this prominently in their showrooms.
ShopLicensePlates Teams With RIP Medical Debt
We are pleased to announce that we have teamed with the non-profit RIP Medical Debt. We are donating 15 percent of our total sales - so all license plates sold from now through Midnight on April 15, 2020 - to RIP Medical Debt. They will use this donation to purchase past due medical debts from across America. Let me describe it a bit more.
Like most, I have felt overwhelmed by the situation the coronavirus has created. It shows us how totally broken our healthcare "system" is here in the U.S. I have been asking myself "what can we do to help"?
We are switching gears. Now it is time to be proactive. The virus reminded me of the overwhelming medical debt that folks end up getting stuck with nowadays. Even if you think you have healthcare coverage, sometimes you don't!
Many of you will recognize RIP Medical Debt from numerous news stories, like:
RIP Medical Debt was founded in 2014. Since then, over $1 BILLION in medical debt has been eliminated for the most impoverished; and over 1 million families have been helped.
Where Can I Buy The Best Used License Plates?
“Where can I buy the best used license plates?” If you are a collector of antique license plates, this is a question you may have heard, or perhaps even asked of others. After all, you are likely always looking for something special to add to your collection.
This question is important. True collectors want to work with reputable suppliers. There are a number of things that are critical when looking for collectible plates.
Anheuser Busch InBev “taps” to supply real, old and collectible license plates for use in its annual SAMCOM 2019 Conference in Dallas.
Anheuser Busch InBev “taps” for SAMCOM 2019 Conference
Anheuser Busch InBev “taps” to supply real license plates. Providing old license plates and collectible license plates for use in its annual SAMCOM 2019 Conference in Dallas. is pleased to have been tapped to supply real, old and collectible license plates to Anheuser Busch InBev for use its annual SAMCOM 2019 Conference in Dallas. This year, the SAMCOM Conference was held from January 28th through January 31st at the Kay Bailey Hutchison (KBH) Conference Center in Dallas. With over 1 million visitors each year, the KBH Center is one of the largest in the Country. It sports 1 million square feet, with 3 ballrooms, 88 meeting rooms, a theater that seats 1750 people and an arena that holds 9816 people.
With the goal of energizing its partners and stakeholders at its annual SAMCOM 2019 Conference, Anheuser Busch InBev hosted its wholesalers, marketing, communication and sales team. There, they produce, test and present their potential future products and new offerings. Here, you can see pictures and details about the 2018 SAMCOM Conference in Dallas and the 2016 SAMCOM conference in New Orleans. It is also an opportunity to interactively present its business strategy for the upcoming year.
Auto Enthusiast "Doc" In Florida's Passion For One-Of-A-Kind Vintage Automobiles Spans A Lifetime
For Doc, mechanical design and engineering are fascinating, and the great names and objects of bygone eras captivate his mind. Impressive individuals such as Frederic Moskviocs, engineer for the Stutz Motor Company; General John T. Thompson, originator of the prohibition period submachine gun; and Pratt & Whitney with their radial aircraft engine design… these are the people who he believes deserve recognition. He does not concern himself with the functions or consequences of these products but he reflects only upon each person for their capabilities. Items in Doc's collection have included; a P-51 fighter aircraft engine, machine guns of various designs and most importantly unique automobiles.
Real Collectible Old License Plates. Animal Rescue. Birdhouses. A Natural Combination
Old License Plates Make Chicago Artist's Craft Come Alive
Ralph Lauren selects ShopLicensePlates for Photo Shoots
ShopLicensePlates now accepts Amazon Pay
CocoVail Beer Hall, Barcelona, Spain. A Must Stop And See.

Historic Missouri City License Plates

KSDK Channel 5 St. Louis News Anchors Like ShopLicensePlates

Earth Day 2018 - Confluence Academy Campus Renewal
Confluence Academy’s South City location serves students from grades 3 through 8. Directly behind the Academy is Providence Place, a street with 7 homes that adjoins the back side of the entire length of the building. The entire block along Providence Place had a "double row" of sidewalks that were old and cracked.
There was also an original old 35 foot long driveway that had settled over the years. Patches from years ago had worn and also needed repair or replacement. In the “old days”, the drive was used to access a grease dumpster which was located there. Pumps in the kitchen of the School would send the old grease through a series of pipes which dumped into this container.
Rather than replace the sidewalks that were cracked, and to replace or re-patch the old driveway, a “green solution” was called for. One row of the "double row" of sidewalks was removed entirely. Sidewalk areas that were in need of replacement were replaced. The old driveway was removed entirely and the curb was replaced.
Collaborators include: Confluence Academy South City Campus, the building occupant; St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, the owner of the property; Residents on Providence Place; St. Louis City Alderwoman Cara Spencer; and Holloran Contracting who did the sidewalk removal and replacement.
The project included: removal of 325 feet of concrete sidewalk and driveway, which is an entire City block; placement of 20,000 lbs of topsoil; replacement of 35 feet of sidewalk area and curb where the driveway used to be; and 2 truckloads of mulch. 20 trees will be planted in Spring 2018, which will create a “boulevard” or “canopy” of trees for those walking on the sidewalk. The City of St. Louis has this included as a featured project for sustainability, and the Confluence Academy has done an article about it as well. The latest update on this initiative is here.
Terry Hammer, the owner of St. Louis-based, provided the funding for this project and will handle the ongoing maintenance and planting that will be needed. goes Hollywood
Terry Hammer announces donation of baby grand piano to Pianos For People

ShopLicensePlates now accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American Express online payments
2018 ILLINOIS Base license plate already getting revisions

Missouri changes mind on new base plate design for 2019